Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 tips to Remember about SEO

1. Domain Name:
Domain name use is another whole subject matter. For this article, we want to achieve return visits to your website. If someone has found you while surfing, your domain name counts. If you are out in the marketplace, at a ballgame or anywhere in conversation with people, your domain name counts. Having a domain name that is easy to spell, to remember, that relates to the topic of your site is important. Return traffic is more likely to happen when visitors remember the name of your website, the domain name. Take some time to create your domain name; this part is free, but very important. There is a nominal fee to register domain names.

2. Links:
When you are writing an article in one content sharing service, create a link from this article to one on the same topic posted in another content sharing site. Another example is making a link from one article in a content sharing site to an article in your blog. If you know of an author of a website who supports your market, make arrangements to have their link in your site, in exchange for your link being posted in their marketing site.

3. Original:
Your articles for your websites catch the best attention if they are original. There is a great capacity to gather content from article directories. This material is not unique to you and somehow does not catch as much attention as your own writing, even if you package it in a new format. Let you're writing reflect your personality, being authentic is valuable. Simplicity is well received. Your article word count can be somewhere between 650 to 1000 words including your titles and subtitles.

4. Figure out your Market:
Decide who you are marketing to. Spend some time thinking about who these people are. Your articles are created to provide value and service to this market. Be consistent in your content to address the focus of your niche market. You are becoming a solutions provider for them. Your visitors to your site will return, or look at other content you have when they find what they are looking for in your content. Your visitors may also refer others to your site which adds to your SEO.

5. Keywords:
Over and over again you hear of the importance of keywords. Keywords are important because they are simply the words people are typing in to search engines looking for information. Your use of keywords is important in your article titles, At the beginning of paragraphs, and throughout the article. Reread your material carefully before posting it. Do you notice that your article is boring and repetitive with too many uses of the keyword? If keyword use is too obvious, abused, it is counterproductive. Is your attention kept with the freshness of the writing? Does the writing flow naturally? When you are writing, use one of several keyword tools to know which ones are commonly typed in by people looking for information. Remember, your writing is designed to capture the attention of both the internet surfer and once again, the 'spiders' of the algorithms. These results in SEO.

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